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Arthur Fleischmann [fs:261]

Intersting. Could anyone translate the remarks for me?

Tomas Pavlik, thanks... you're saying I should have pointed the camera further down? I have been thinking quite a bit about the composition in this one, I'm also not completely sure if I could have done it better.

Thank you,

Juan Pablo, what's "prcak"?
Michal, interesting... it was taken in Austria. But it's not that far away.

Tomas, thanks for writing down your thoughts, very interesting for me. Especially what you wrote about the composition of the second picture, I tend to agree with you. It might sound a bit silly given the central composition in most of these pictures, but I do think quite a lot about these matters and I often have doubts myself about compositions and if the images are not a bit too "simple" overall. Maybe I shouldn't say this? ;-)

Many people seem to dislike the first picture, and I think I can understand why. For me it's just a very cliche/Kitsch motive, so yes it's "horrible" in a way. :-) But as Pista wrote I hope when seen as part of this series it might have another meaning. I do understand that some people prefer some pictures over others, it's only natural and I do this myself, but still the single images should be seen only as parts of a whole.

Hey, thanks a lot everybody, I already like it here! :-)

Exactly Jan, associations and many (I hope) possible interpretations. The order of the pictures is also not too strict, I think there are also other possible ways of sequencing the pictures that would make sense (to me).

Jan (Winkler), ok no problem. I also recently removed some pictures from my ball-saal account so could well be some of the ones you liked are no longer there... ;-) But still if you find the time it would just be interesting for me to know which ones you were talking about.

Anyway, about the "common thing". I am a bit hesitant to write too much about this as I don't want to influence too much by words what people see in the pictures. But the main idea I guess is that I look for "everyday" things, objects etc. in the world and turn them into something else by photographing them. For me these pictures are records of those things but at the same time they work in a more abstract way, as metaphors. For example, in the [oska] pictures there's a massive tree and a thin wire is attached to it, while the [oleg] picture shows a slim pole that has wires inside. So these are the recorded facts, but also they could have meaning beyond that. For me they are about some things and how they are connected to something else and their environment... the tree or the pole or the wire could be any other thing - or person, or thought... It could mean anything or nothing, really. Quite hard to write about this for me, I hope I don't sound like a complete lunatic. ;-) Also colors and structures are important links for me, I think the patterns of the clouds and grass in the first two pictures look similar. Or the yellow in [fugl] and [oska]. Could be I'm asking too much of the viewer, as I said it's hard to judge I see and what I can expect others to see in my pictures.

Jan, which other works are you refering to? It's very interesting for me what you wrote regarding heterogeneity, for me there are clear connections between the pictures. But this is why I'm really glad to get feedback, I see certain things in these pictures but it's so hard to say for me if other people do as well. So thanks a lot, I very much appreciate your criticism!

Thanks to everyone for your comments!

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