Tomas, thanks for writing down your thoughts, very interesting for me. Especially what you wrote about the composition of the second picture, I tend to agree with you. It might sound a bit silly given the central composition in most of these pictures, but I do think quite a lot about these matters and I often have doubts myself about compositions and if the images are not a bit too "simple" overall. Maybe I shouldn't say this? ;-)

Many people seem to dislike the first picture, and I think I can understand why. For me it's just a very cliche/Kitsch motive, so yes it's "horrible" in a way. :-) But as Pista wrote I hope when seen as part of this series it might have another meaning. I do understand that some people prefer some pictures over others, it's only natural and I do this myself, but still the single images should be seen only as parts of a whole.

Hey, thanks a lot everybody, I already like it here! :-)
