[Not popular dogs or dogs life!]
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Author: Alex Kutuzov
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Published on, medium:
2008-10-30 17:52, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
fisheye -

Excuse that is not black white a dog ;)
But I try to not lag behind collective!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

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Lukáš ----' To catch a dog with fish eyes' - this variant more is pleasant to me ;)

My English unfortunately believe worse yours :) but as that it is necessary to communicate, it would be desirable it :)

For dialogue thanks ;)


příště raději anglicky nenapíšu ani ahoj :D


Alex, don't mind it... i speek czech better, actually :)
but... something like a... "you have caught a dog with a fish-eye" but actually fish-pole sound better because it is used for some kind of a catching (fishing?).... or i'm absolutely wrong :)
my english is.... terrible.


Forgive I dont understood a question....
The question under the maintenance is more interesting than my photo.


a dog-catching with a fish-pole?
nice .)

Alex Kutuzov - Not popular dogs or dogs life!