[Holiday on village]
[close verbose info panel]                 Title: Holiday on village [bihn]


Author: Alex Kutuzov
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Published on, medium:
2008-10-28 23:36, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
smena-2 + zenit ...

It is devoted to my favourite grandmother...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

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3003, 32/85 (37 % have commented)

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[Power of chicken combs]
[close verbose info panel] Title: Power of chicken combs [skor]
Published on, medium:
2008-10-28 23:38, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
smena-2 + zenit ...

It is devoted to my favourite grandmother...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[Dancing tomatoes]
[close verbose info panel] Title: Dancing tomatoes [faih]
Published on, medium:
2008-10-28 23:39, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
smena-2 + zenit ...

It is devoted to my favourite grandmother...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!


Thanks big!!!

Itself I look and take pleasure...)


magický realismus :-)

i like it


great sense for postmodern mix of contents.


On hespasibo ... Elvis v obci ...))

It is more to me than such works ;)


cocks and neons
double exposures and collage
surrelism is not dead!

(i like it)


Very good, Alex.
Keep on dancing! =:o)


Silvia Senčeková

Well not absolutely in such contrast, but with a theme rural is yes...
But at us now animals prevai :))) so I shall not force down yet a wave, let authors enjoy... Now for the dogs I shall look.

Then still not a lot of village I shall lay out, that can too to whose to an eye it is pleasant...!


great.... do you have some more of it?


i love interesting ideas. this one is interesting.


I at times regret that I do not know Czech!!! What to not be limited to one pleasant word - nice :)))

But all is equal you pleasantly to read...

Emil Pastucha - Yes it, has died... I think it would please these pictures! Though it would tell 'has found what to remove'.


yes, great ;] especially the first one


funny varicoloured pictures


janko you should say grandmothers are dead, first


long live our grandmothers!


its great. i like it a lot. :)


hmmm, really nice one, i like it, multi is coolty :)

Alex Kutuzov - Holiday on village