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Author: Arthur Fleischmann
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2008-08-28 22:56, film: medium format

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a picture where the first, second, even fifth impression is low or nil and cannot be boosted without (often painstaking) philosophical input from my side ;).


Tomas Rihosek, what do you mean by "pundit picture"?

Ondrej, you're right. By coherence in post-processing I didn't mean using the same colours, but rather a sort of consistency regarding contrast and general "feel". But I also agree with Tomas (Szepe), this is no general rule which applies all the time.


i can marvel at the cleanliness but gotta admit i'm somewhat losing on the overall impress...ivity (?). it's still there, but tis already too much of a pundit picture for me, i enjoy other stuff of yours, with all its sheer visual power and unambiguous interpretations.


...unless you make that a deliberate goal in the series.


fine picture.
i dont think that coherence in postprocesing is in using the same colours. you can use what you want, just be careful with hue etc. using different colours can help you with the rhythm of the series. but it doesnt work like "today it is time for a red scene", thats obvious.


i guess teepee might be referring to the fact that the entanglement of those pipes looks a bit like a man's face, esp. when you squint a little.


Thanks, I'll think about that. For some time now I think I should add some other colours, right now there's lots of similar colours in all these pictures, green, blue, brown... I'm sarting to grow tired of those. I need different colours to diversify a bit, like the red in the one picture (vertical, buildings with clouds). At the same time I think I also need to establish some coherence in post-processing... Well, these things are not easy, but I think crucial for a series to be succesful. But you know this yourself. ;-)


Yeah, right... ;-) But seriously, I want to figure out what to do with those pictures, if they could fit in a series or not or wether to include others etc.

You think on this dark background the contrast looks a bit... too much?

Arthur Fleischmann - <>