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Author: Arthur Fleischmann
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2008-08-10 23:29, film: medium format

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[close verbose info panel] Title: <> [fode]
Published on, medium:
2008-08-10 23:29, film: medium format

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[close verbose info panel] Title: <> [panu]
Published on, medium:
2008-08-10 23:29, film: medium format

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at the first sight it was absolutely clear for me that these pics must go together. could be better to see them in one line.
nice series.


Sorry, I forgot to reply here... An attempt of an explanation: The snow picture is kind of the center of this small set for me. The first picture corresponds in a graphic way, the shape of the earth covered by the snow reminds me of the foliage "covering" the sky or vice versa. The colours in the third picture are very monochrome and bright, and in a way it's also about things covering other things, so this is my connection to the snow picture. And yes there are bottom left to top right diagonals in all three pictures. I am aware though these connections are probably quite far-fetched and I might be the only one to "get" them. ;-)


izzat like in the diagonals?


i think i start to understand you


I can't understand "the relationships between these pictures" but the second is "my cup of tea."


for me the last one in a bit more harsh light would be cool


Ondrej, right... I mean, sometimes I feel a connection between pictures (not necessarily my own) and I can't even explain why. It can also be interesting to wonder about this and not come up with an answer. On the other hand, this would make the creation of a photo-series very easy, just throw together some half-decent pictures. Hmm... ;-)


interesting. maybe you shouldnt tell us anything, maybe the point is the question: "why the author put it together?"
once you say it, its lost.


I'm experimenting with different ways of combining pictures... For me these pictures are not very strong on their own, but they *might* become more interesting if shown in a series. Often it is hard for me to tell if other people may "get" the connections or not, so I appreciate all your comments. I'll wait a bit and then tell you why I grouped these three pictures.


i undestand (and like) the first photograph. then you go even closer and i get lost.
perhaps there is some sort of connection as ondrej is suggesting, but i don't get it.


i like your style.
i will write something more when i get the connection between those photographs.


Arthur Fleischmann - <>