[Soul of the mime]
[zabalit podrobný panel]                 Název: Soul of the mime [blav]


Autor: Alex Kutuzov
Portfolio: (bez zařazení)


Set viditelný pro nečleny
Komentování: Komentování setu povoleno

Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:13, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

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3272, 27/97 (27 % komentujících)

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[mim 2]
[zabalit podrobný panel] Název: mim 2 [nlaj]
Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:20, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[mime 3]
[zabalit podrobný panel] Název: mime 3 [mrib]
Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:20, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[mim 4]
[zabalit podrobný panel] Název: mim 4 [jeud]
Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:21, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[mime 5]
[zabalit podrobný panel] Název: mime 5 [krep]
Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:22, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[mimi 6]
[zabalit podrobný panel] Název: mimi 6 [aski]
Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:22, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[mimЫ 7]
[zabalit podrobný panel] Název: mimЫ 7 [coit]
Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-23 22:23, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Was a certain detached onlooker!

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!


blav isimo! ,)

I like the first one a lot, but the rest makes my feelings fade away a bit... šiš, můžu to takhle napsat vůbec? :)


photos are good, but not good collected


the first one is fine - too much of "only document" in other ones (for me)


Nice set... As some said before blav and aski are great... ;)
And I especially like mrib because of their look... ;)


yes, the first one is simply number UNo :-), it's my wave and aski too, the rest is just funny, kartinki iz photosession, not bad.



Yes I with all of you boys and girls agree - the first not bad and others it is others: (, itself thought to spread or not, has then solved let a court all will solve:)
The truth has not understood that mister Drahomír Stulír has written: but probably criticized)

Thanks for comments


the first is okay for me... the rest is the rest... :(


Po dlouhe dobe neco, co me vazne nadchlo. (asi ti to bude muset nekdo prelozit, ja to nezvladnu, omlouvam se.)
Vsechny se mi libi. Tu posledni beru jako legrandu.
Kazdopadne se na ne vydrzim koukat dyl nez pet minut, coz je dobry. Je to jen subjektivni, ale vazne z toho mam radost. Jsem zvedav, co bude nasledovat. Tesim se, Diky .)


[fs:102] I like the first one
a the sixth


i like mrib & aski... the rest not much really


the first photo is perfect for me



welcome, photos not for me


Для меня также "mimi6". приветствуем .)


I agree with guys, blav & aski are excellent. The rest is not working for me, unnecessary playgroung it is.

But the two made it for me. Thanks!


but the expressions on mrib are quite intriguing, too, and coit is a mood booster. :)


[blav] unt [aski] - grejt!


Can as those they do not look as a series!
And emotions behind themselves these mimes few have...
But separately in them that that is... Silly (may be).

Thanks, Hello!!!


yes. very good job, welcome.


good to have you there. my pleasure. a very nice series.

Alex Kutuzov - Soul of the mime
