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Author: Milan Ulrich
Portfolio: denainri

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2008-06-17 19:25, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
f5, 20/2,8, hp5+@1600, rodinal 1:25, variospeed, fomaspeed N

remake z jedný soboty s Branem.

pracovní název: africa's grass, roof shot.

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neklasicka klasika so stromcekom, ja ju mozem.
mozem aj spekulovat o citani zlava doprava, vahe prazdneho miesta vpravo na "horizonte" strechy a tak, ale naco, beriem ako je ;)


Ta krivka toho stromu je fajna


Ondro, je to cely okynko. Jenom je to pushnuty a zrodinolovany. dikes


je to hodně zajímavej vizál, no doubt.
snad i rozjezd nějakýho konceptíku.

že se pod každou druhou fotkou řeší pořád stejně zbytčnej problém s bílým rémečkem, mě nepřekvapuje.

vypadá to jako velkej výřez?


mna fascinuje ten spodok, taka textura z dooma, v cervenej... alebo kludne taka textura hlavy ako imitacia vlasov, uz som asi dlho nic nehral, mozno to dnes s texturami neni take zle... toto mi bude chybat ;-)

foto taka klasika, ten spodok ju posuva niekam dalej... ale zase v ramci moznosti ;-)


spodek je moc detajlni, cely mi to dava pryc.
nahled je dobrej pnac nejni tak citelnej


pamatam si ju a paci sa mi stale


nejde o bilej, jde o ty totalne nemozny rozmery, proporce a umisteni.


a abych se vyjadril k fotce, tak myslim ze je to vcelku fajn... co se tyka svetlosti/tmavosti, tak bych na printu vic prisvitil rohy - udelal vinetaci, dole je to takovy neuzavreny ;). a bilej ramecek mi nevadi, jak je asi patrny z mejch lamanou anglictinou psanejch vyblitku.


I meant that sometimes the borders are something like identifier of particular author - like those on photographs of famous Czech photographer Bohdan Holomicek (and fstop photographer Martin Slavik), who's using old Meopta enlarger with manually modified mask of 35mm negative carrier. And maybe one of the reasons to let them on papers/scans (although we could remove them by paper holder or in postprocess) is their meaning that the photograph is enlargement of full frame, not cut-out.

I only want to say that sometimes borders are "signature" of the author - I don't know whether Milan Ulrich is enlarging all of his photographs on papers with large white borders, but he could - and I always try to focus more on content, than on borders (except the borders with stupid photoshop-made signatures, bevels or fake film borders on digital photographs).


dr: poor man bohdan holomicek, who used (and still use) "enlarger borders" for all of his photographs... http://www.digitalrailroad.net/FOTOPLUSPICTURES/Production/PhotoGroupView.aspx?pbid=4&msa=1&pgid=5676171


ramik mi neprekaza, praveze mi to nechava priestor na fotku...
foto prijemne


martin dont fake them in PS. it was my point. :) but was it corect example? actually is this kind of borders, which youve mentioned?


nemám s tím problém a neboj, nejsi sám, kdo to má s rámečkama nastavený stejně :)


dr: good morning. i think there are not "artifficial mattes" often used. if i catch your meaning well. did you talk about film borders like this http://www.fstop.cz/e/slavik/day-dreamers/ for example? yes, they are used some times, but i'm not sure if often. as i said before, i love big white borders, even on wall. maybe ive got probblem within. :) i really must read some kind of book about it.
have a nice day Douglas.


i think it differs case to case. most pictures deserve borders.
but this one i don't find fitting as well.


dr: thank you. my problem. :) im big white borders lover. really. Tomas told me it many times before.

ts: ja uz sem si Tome u tebe tak nejak zvykl, ze se proste netrefim co do adjustace. je-li nejaka prirucka ci navod, sem s ni. delam to proste podle svyho vkusu a nerikam ze spravne.


nekoukatelne odprezentovany - kdyz nevis, co delas, tak tam radsi zadnej ramecek nedavej. sorry.

fotku uz sem ti komentoval jinde.


jo, vypada to trochu lip, ale ten spodek bych pritmavil jeste.


ahaa, plech :)
oki. ja si pamatuju tu starsi taky jako lepsi. ale ja si vcelku hovno pamatuju, takze se mozna pletu.


ta byla martine takova dost tmava. s odstupem si myslim, ze tahle verze vypada o neco lip.
hn: vlastne je to strecha auta. kdyz to polechtam, zflekati to a na povrch vypluji musky a spina :) ok, to ne.


pamatuju si tu puvodni, libila se mi asi jeste o fous vice. ale tezko porovnat, lovim jen ve sve chatrne pameti.

tak jako tak, fajn.


je to hezky, ale kdyz je tam takovej kus oblohy, ocenil bych, kdyby nebyla tak jednolita. trosku to polechtat.

Milan Ulrich - <>