[underbelly life]
[close verbose info panel]                 Title: underbelly life [ufem]


Author: Alex Kutuzov
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Published on, medium:
2009-07-26 23:31, film: medium format

Tech. data:

I missed on you, misters creators...

And again hello...

Holga-120, Odessa-2008,
All thoughts, only about the sea now...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

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[underbelly life]
[close verbose info panel] Title: underbelly life [rune]
Published on, medium:
2009-07-26 23:33, film: 35mm

Tech. data:

I missed on you, misters creators...

And again hello...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[underbelly life]
[close verbose info panel] Title: underbelly life [chem]
Published on, medium:
2009-07-26 23:33, film: 35mm

Tech. data:

I missed on you, misters creators...

And again hello...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[underbelly life]
[close verbose info panel] Title: underbelly life [ihig]
Published on, medium:
2009-07-26 23:34, film: medium format

Tech. data:

I missed on you, misters creators...

And again hello...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

[underbelly life]
[close verbose info panel] Title: underbelly life [saur]
Published on, medium:
2009-07-26 23:34, film: medium format

Tech. data:

I missed on you, misters creators...

And again hello...

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!


the effect in these photos is too strong for me


Thank you for your attention!!!
Tomáš - punk, I like how you described ;)

will let pankt!


i like your punk :)
hi there again


I like the places but the "effect" is disturbing me.


I the first time removed on an midle format, well and on Holga...
On the technician that has turned out not that I wanted, mmmm that the first can be, but it has turned out cold autumn a fog of that day...

To that, I am glad too

The film, was weak on 60 provia


the day you uploaded it i liked it, today i feel maybe different so I don't see it the same way /// however in general i like it ... :)


i like the upper half of the last picture :)... seems a bit like impressionism to me - the movement of the trees and the bright colours... but the whole series doesn't work for me, sorry.


really like the atmosphere of the first one...


#2 is interesting and ... "kinda cool" :)
the rest is somewhat "ordinary"


Thanks all!

Tomáš - your choice surprises me though the second seems to me the most interesting...

Ivan - last it is visible my court yard in оdessa...

anus - thanks, is glad to read you...)

Jana - the whole your handles, thanks...;)

Joná š - thanks, video space for me)

Ondřej - hello, hello) is always glad!

Petr - thanks!!!


the second one is kinda cool


missed you too mister creative, thanks


the vimeo video is really great but the pictures nothing for me
maybe the 2nd & 3rd

Alex Kutuzov - underbelly life