[close verbose info panel]                 Title: vernisáž [naot]


Author: Ondřej Hruška
Portfolio: Canonet

Publicity level:

Set visible to non-members
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Published on, medium:
2008-08-08 11:41, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
canonet28, lidlfuji200

galerie stavědlo, ol.

Nr. of views, unique comments/unique views:
2176, 10/63 (15 % have commented)

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osobni attachment? proc ne, chapu.


hm, neviem ocenit, nalada tam je, len neviem aka


tu cervenohnedou bych si odpustil...


Ondřeji, to je hamba! Rozbíjet kvůli fotografii okenní tabulky... =oO


nuti me to se zastavit a chvili se koukat
asi to dela ta tvar...

Ondřej Hruška - vernisáž