[Near to Red Square]
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Autor: Alex Kutuzov
Portfolio: (bez zařazení)


Set viditelný pro nečleny
Komentování: Komentování setu povoleno

Vystavena, médium:
2008-07-28 14:01, film: kinofilm

Technická data:
smena - 2

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

Počet zobrazení, unikátních komentářů/unikátních zobrazení:
1949, 7/70 (10 % komentujících)

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now red square seems much more poetical to me. thats the biggest worth of this one, isnt it?


sorry, but i'm not getting the point here


did i miss something? i can' t see anything behind...


That I can tell!!! Excuse :) we shall try


I see the sense of your dry killing joke dear boy :)
but not half good enough for my second eye even

encore! :)

Alex Kutuzov - Near to Red Square