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Author: Alex Kutuzov
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2009-08-03 21:47, film: medium format

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Here I think, in the second half of September to go on vacation, I think may, in the Czech Republic,
if yes - then advise what city?
how to reach it?
where there are no expensive?
is that look?
which is to go? and with whom it meet?

or may visit at the tea, or that there are drunk)?

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

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yo yo yo. very nice. has got a certain kind of late aftgernoon atmospheere.


Thank you for your attention!!!

Lukáš - or watch out far, or less than the size to do... so often...
I love your work, glad your attention!!!

Ľubomíra... thanks for

Michal...! ;)


I like it. But for me it works better when it is smaller (I mean when i resize it to a smaller format)...
don't know anything more to say.


Daniela pleasure to read,
am glad that this work raises emotions...

she is silent... let


honestly i really like this one... keep looking at the girl and just don't know what to say. :) for me it's more than good.


Guys am glad that the likes!

Tomáš I agree, I liked the mood of the frame, and I still have not started making any of it, but these artifacts without a doubt would be worth to remove, although they do not distract me from the light and mood.

Petr remember tell ;) yes it would be interesting to more expressive chair... as it is, this is not staged.

all thanks for your attention!


reminds me of something, just don't know what, maybe later :)

anyway... looks pretty & fragile... would be even more fragile with a different chair... i like it.


like ana, bond, james bond


nice one, but beats me why you wouldn't care to retouch those few specks of dirt. :/



yes, that's nice. I could not agree more.

Alex Kutuzov - <>
