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Author: Alex Kutuzov
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2008-09-26 20:26, film: 35mm

Tech. data:
zenit + lomo fisheye = double exposition

St. Petersburg

Whenever possible write in English! Thanks!

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yes, yes the sun, a lot of it in the windows, the eyes of ... s)



The only thing that can unite Rome with St. Petersburg, this that, that both of them in the Europe ;)


Thank you all, ladies and gentlemen Czech - English - Russian speaking

Yes - such Dostoevsky St. Petersburg, suddenly became iridescent - not the most successful and interesting imposing, but reasonably has colourfully left (yes - in a rainbow - a radiohead :))) - thought still to whose be to an eye it is pleasant...


good job :-) - fine (art:-)


not the strongest double-exposure in the world but i like it.


it's based too much on the light leak imo

Alex Kutuzov - ...